
House-training do’s & don’ts

General guidelines to follow:

-Keep a Log Feed your puppy on a regular schedule everyday.  Keep a log to help determine the time of day your puppy eliminates.  Being       consistent will help your puppy stay in a routine.

-Supervision Until your puppy is reliable she must be supervised 100% of the time or confined to her puppy-proof area. You can expand her freedom in the house gradually as she succeeds.

-Rewards It is important to reward your puppy with an extra good treat the second she finishes eliminating.  Give rewards only when she has earned them though otherwise they hold no value.

-Timing Learn to read your puppy’s signals such as just waking after a nap,  finish eating or drinking, playing, pacing, sniffing, heading towards a area frequently used to eliminate,  chewing on something then quickly gets up. Don’t wait until it is too late.  Initiate taking her out yourself. Take your puppy out once an hour when she is active.

-Corrections A proper correction is a interruption such as a clap or snap (not a fearful noise) to interrupt the accident. It is very important to understand that the only time a correction can be made is at the exact time of a accident or the potential accident.  If discipline is delivered after the fact it will only confuse the puppy causing fear.

-Clean up Any accidents must be cleaned up with enzymatic neutralizers.  Do not household detergents because they will enhance the odor making it more likely for her to return.  You must get rid of the scent not just the stain.

-Patience Remember that she is a dog with a very different language.  Be patient and remember you are both going to make mistakes. Forgive yourselves, and figure out how to avoid them in the future.

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