The Walk

The Walk

The Bases of a true Bond

The Walk is an everyday ritual that dog packs naturally do while migrating for their food and water. It allows them time to learn about their environment and what’s in it. It exposes them to all the smells, sights and sounds nature has to offer like other unfamiliar animals and people. It is a good opportunity to introduce socialization and good manners. It is also a time to learn of the dangers to avoid like streets, cars, bikes, and other hazards of the city. The walk is the most important way to gain strong leadership.

Depending on your dogs energy level two 30 minute walks a day are minimum. If your dog has high energy, you might consider adding a backpack and filling it with 10%-20% of his body weight. This will help exhaust him and drain his energy.

Always begin your walk with your dog in a calm submissive state.  Avoid excitement as this will only allow him to control the walk.  Use a short 4-6 foot leash and a slip collar.  Slip the collar over your dogs head keeping the collar on the upper part of the neck. This will help build his confidence and self-esteem.  The leader decides the path.  Make sure you are the first one out the door,  keeping your shoulders back and your head up.  Bring your dog to a familiar place to eliminate. When that is complete focus on your walk  allowing sniff time at the end, a reward that will be well deserved.

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