


The Socialization Period is a critical time in a puppies life.  During this time your puppy will be learning about fears and gaining trust. What happens during this period of time, will have a lifetime effect throughout his adult years.

The period of a puppies life when Socialization is so important, happens between 3-12 weeks.  During this time the puppies brain is developing and learning at a faster rate then it will ever again.

Proper Socialization allows your puppy to adapt to change, deal with     conflicts, learn patience, interact with other dogs, adults and children.  Puppies need to be exposed to many friendly encounters of all types and sizes outside of their own household.


How and Where?

Anywhere and Everywhere you can take your puppy that will be safe and not to overwhelming.  Until all Vaccinations are given (around 16 weeks) there are some risks.  To reduce those risk, know who you are socializing with and make sure they are up to date on all of their vaccinations.  Talk to your Veterinarian about ways to reduce these risks.  Keep in mind that  waiting until your puppy reaches 16 weeks will miss the critical window.  It is a decision you will have to make for yourself but remember far more dogs die from behavioral issues than disease.  Fear in puppies can result in aggression in adult dogs.

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